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How to integrate rcmd tool into "Send To" menu ?



To know more about rcmd tool please refer my old post.

Copy rcmd.exe to some directory. eg c:\rcmd\rcmd.exe

Open Notepad and type c:\rcmd\rcmd.exe copy %1 "\My Documents\   and save as Send2Mobile.bat

Copy Send2Mobile.bat file and paste as shortcut in C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxx\SendTo folder, where xxxxxx is your windows login id. You can rename that shortcut to Send2Mobile and change icon also.:-)

Now right click to any file/folder , click SendTo->Send2Mobile and your files start copying to Windows Mobile’s My Documents folder. 


And now You are able to copy any file/folder to my device without opening ActiveSync's browser. Isn’t too good.

Let me know if you are not able implement this to your system.

7:41 PM